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Jan 26, 2022

What are the things you value in life?
Nothing is solid...
Nothing stands still...
Nothing remains the same...
Nothing is lasting...
Nothing has any value...
Except for one thing.
The ONLY Truth, Value, and Power are that which NEVER changes.
The ONLY thing which cannot be taken away is that which...

Jan 11, 2022

Look, as spiritual as it might seem to say that you must see it inside before you'll hold it outside, it's about as practical as it comes.

Leadership and Entrepreneurship are spiritual games.

Bringing the intangible into the tangible.

When EPCOT was finished in Orlando, a reporter said to Walt Disney's nephew, "It's...

Jan 7, 2022

Most people only THINK they think.
One of my very bright clients asked me why I always state, "Your head will mess you up every single time"?
It's because of this very issue.
What happens in your head that attempts to pass for thinking is NOTHING more than a re-running of an old operating system that was...

Jan 3, 2022

Knowledge, like wealth, energy and power, is meant for use.
Whoever coined the phrase, "Knowledge is power" was severely incorrect and completely missing the point.
How many times do you supposedly "know" something but you don't DO it.
Knowledge is NOT power. It's nothing more than organized information and...