Nov 18, 2022
One piece of advice I give to everyone I'm privileged to work with...
Stop being someone that you're not!
More positively stated: Be exactly who you are and do what YOU'RE
here to do.
This brilliant tool we have called the internet, like everything in
life, is both a blessing and a curse...
Nov 17, 2022
Kings and Queens are ONLY born through the Dark Night.
Batman ONLY becomes The Dark Knight once he has harnessed his own demons.
Obviously, these are metaphors.
In fact, metaphors and mythology as old as time.
We've lost our mythology for the most part. Yet mythology is NOT a literal history book. It's the history...
Nov 11, 2022
The higher up the mountain you climb, the more treacherous the path.
Several years back I climbed one of the (if not the), highest peaks in Peru with one of my mentor/coaches/teachers.
Salkantay. Translated from Quichua it means "Savage Mountain."
The name is perfect...
Nov 10, 2022
Are you interested or committed?
Big difference.
I can't tell you how many countless people have told me over the years, "I want to do what you do." or "I want to know what you know."
Every time I hear this, I quietly think to myself: "You have no idea the work it takes."
With all due respect I can honestly say...
Nov 4, 2022
Greed comes easy for most humans.
It doesn't mean we're bad, we're not. We're just unaware, and
Leonardo da Vinci stated, “I awoke, only to find the rest of the world is still asleep.”
Even though we were born to greatness. We've been conditioned into
You see, there's a pull working inside...