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Dec 22, 2023

“Many are called but few are chosen” ~ Matthew 22:14

It’s vitally important to count the cost before you begin the journey.

Many are “called” to higher principles, morals, and values. But what soon becomes apparent is that while they may be curious, but they’re not committed.

The inarguable fact is that it’s difficult to escape the Matrix, or what we call socialized mind and programing.

Some even like to speak about “escaping the Matrix” but then they turn around and talk about how they have 43 sports cars. This is not escaping the Matrix. From where we sit this is being fully under the spell of the Matrix.

The beasts of money, food, sex, and power are extremely strong; and they’re very difficult to overcome. 

Unless you’re totally asleep it’s very easy to notice where these primary values have driven this secular society. It’s very difficult for those who pay attention and are aware to not draw corollaries to the rise and fall of past nations.

So, the first step to becoming a true alchemist. We’ve talked extensively about this being the art and science of transmutation. Not literal base metal into gold rather what appears to be chaotic and low value into something orderly and highly valued, possibly transmuting the secular back into the sacred, is to really decide a few things:

Are you happy with the state of your world and THE world right now?

Are you truly willing to do what it takes to change your world first and then possibly change theworld?

Are you willing to make transmuting your own world the primary thing? Or are you just curious?

Once you’ve answered these questions thoroughly and honestly, you can begin the process:

Decide what you want

Decide what you’re willing to give up to get it

Get on with the work.

More to come.

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